WEBINAR (free): Dive – into our Team Level Up Workshop
Dates: Jan 13, 2025
Location: Webinar: Zoom.us
Course Location:
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. EST
Free. Register by clicking the button below.
Expired. Please choose another course.

WEBINAR (free): Dive – into our Team Level Up Workshop

This free online webinar is a DIVE into our Team Level Up Workshop.  One hour.  Dive one.

We will do other dives, two more, that cover other parts of the TLU worlshop.

The basic idea is to take a new/existing team (or teams) and do two things:

  1. Level set. Let’s agree on what Agile-Scrum is and what actions we will take.
  2. Level up! Let’s agree on what we can do to raise our level of play. How do we want to get better?

That’s the goal.  Now we will show you HOW we do it, and some of the specific topics, etc.  And some of why we think it works so well.

TRAINERS are invited.

The Team Level Up workshop itself usually spans 24 hours of workshop time. So, while this is a dive, it is only a partial view.


Discussion Leader

Joe Little is an Agile Trainer (CST) and coach. He has been delivering courses and webinars for years, and now delivers many courses and workshops online, including the CSM, CSPO, and A-CSM courses and the ARP workshops. Find more information here.

Please register for FREE on this page. See the Register button above right. Contact us if you have any questions.