
Refresher Program

We invite you to Refresh your Scrum skills by taking a Certification course again, for a very low price (as explained below).

Here are some reasons:

  • To join along with your co-workers as they learn the Scrum framework – and ensure you and your team are on the same page.
  • To sharpen your skills after a few months or years in the trenches. Often we become convinced that ‘Scrum, but…’ is actually real Scrum. So, you can correct flaws that have crept into your game.
  • To remember material you learned the first time around, but “have not recalled recently” while submerged in day-to-day activities.

The cost is $100 per 8 hours for an Online course.  If you took a 16 hour course (eg, CSM), you can refresh that course for $200 (if online).  Plus the ScrumAlliance fee of $50, if you want that.  A total of $250.  If you want to repeat the ARP Workshop, that would be $100.

Fees are $225 per day (per 8 hours) for In-Person courses.  Times 2 days. Again, plus the Scrum Alliance fee of $50.  A total of $500.

AND: If you bring another paying person to an online course (at the early bird price or higher), you can take the course (the 2nd time) for free. But must pay the Scrum Alliance fee.  For in-person, you would need to bring two people.  PLus pay the SA fee.

Note: Online we are normally doing courses in 4 hour increments.  Hence the awkward phrasing above.


  1. You must have taken the same course, for the days you wish to refresh (eg, CSM only or CSM + ARP workshop).
  2. Example: If you took the 3-day in-person CSM + Workshop, then you can join the 3-days of the CSM plus Workshop. If you took only the 2-day CSM, then these rates only apply for the first 2 days (and not for the 3rd day).  Thus, if you only took the 2-day CSM, you cannot (also) ‘refresh’ the ARP Workshop day (get the rate reduction for the ARP).
  3. You must have taken a full course. Example: both days of a CSM course. Or the full Agile Release Planning workshop (8 hours).
  4. We may limit the number of ‘refresher’ seats in a course. Please contact us for availability.
  5. No additional discounts can be applied to the Refresher rate.
  6. We reserve the right to change the fee and the rules at any time.


Referral Program (aka ‘Lunch is on Us’)

If you recommend someone who takes one of our courses and that person finishes the course, then ‘lunch is on us’.  We will send you a $25 card. (Panera, Starbucks, Olive Garden, Barnes & Noble or similar.)   As a token of our appreciation.

Make sure the attendee mentions your name when registering.


The person who mentions your name must actually attend, and pay a normal price (eg, Refresher attendees would not count.)  We must have a simple (inexpensive) way to deliver the gift card (eg, US Mail).  We reserve the right to change the rules at any time.

Take a look at the list of public courses, then please refer a friend or colleague!  They will thank you.


Three Discounts

1. Local group discount

We have a discount for a person who is a member of a local agile, SPIN group or PMI chapter.  Local group is important.

Why? We want to encourage you to work with and learn from others locally. And we want to help these local groups.

For example: we offer an 8% discount for any course more than $500.  Example: a CSM course or an CSM plus an ARP workshop.  If…. the attendee is a member of a local group, or if you become a member.  Please inquire for details.  Subject to change without notice.

Rules: The discount applies for being (or becoming) a local member of a related group (local agile, local SPIN or local PMI chapter).  The discount may not apply to some courses.  The rules can be changed at any time.

2. Group of 3+ discount

Alternately, we have a discount for any ‘group’ of 3 or more attendees (3+). This is a 10% discount for all 3+ people.

The group can be any group. Examples: three friends, three people from the same company, three people from the local Agile group.


  1. These two discounts (#1 & #2) cannot be combined. Meaning: You cannot combine the 8% local group discount with the 10% for a 3+ group discount.
  2. All the people must attend the same course (same dates).
  3. If one person later moves to another course, then the other two remaining people also lose the 3+ discount.  Example: You receive the 10% discount (let’s say it comes to $100 off).  You decide to move to a different course. To move to that new course, you must pay the difference between what you originally paid (after the discount) and the current price of the new course. That could mean some increase in net price must be paid.
  4. The discount can be applied after you initally sign up (“retroactively”) (but only before the course starts). Example: Two people can sign up at full price on Day X. If a third person signs up on X+5, THEN all 3 people get a 10% discount.
  5. If a person in your group transfers out of a course and the group in the course becomes less than 3, then the discount for all the people in your group is no longer applicable.  For example, the remaining 2 people must ‘pay-up’ to the non-discounted fee.
  6. If a person (in a 3+ group) finds later that he/she cannot attend the course — but that person finds a substitute, then this discount remains applicable.
  7. We can change or clarify the rules at any time.

3. Paying Cash

We have a discount for paying in cash at the course: 3%.   (Checks do not count as cash for this discount. Cash is cash.  But we might consider some alternatives, such as Venmo.)

This discount is off the amount due, which can be after other discounts. You first must also pay $100 in advance by credit card. (This protects us from room and food charges for missing people.)  On the first day of class, the remaining payment must be made in cash (not a check, which takes more processing for us).

The $100 “hold” is a non-refundable fee if you do not show up for that course.  (Otherwise, we think of the $100 being applied to  the total course fee due.)  Again, this is because we get charged by the hotel for people who do not show up.  And, for online courses, we make decisions about having courses and adding people based on your confirmation that you are attending.

Use of this discount method is limited per class.  So, you must contact us to confirm availability.

4. Unemployed, Military Transition and Special Situations

We are open to considering special discounts for people in these situation.

We handle them on a case by case basis.  The discounts can be substantial.

Helping the unemployed we have done before and that is fairly standard.  Helping people move from the US Military to civilian life is also fairly standard.  Other situations we see less frequently, but may consider.

Please tell us your situation. Sending us relevant copies of documents may be clarifying for us.

5. Match Competitor Price

We will consider matching a competitor’s price.  We do think our product (training) is unique, and better than almost any other you can find in the marketplace.  But we understand your financial concerns.

If you can send us (to: the details (Course, date, location, Instructor, vendor), and a URL to a webpage or site, or other related document, then we will respond quickly with what we can offer.


Black Friday / Cyber-Monday Promotion 2023

Rules are fairly simple:

  1. We sent some emails that give you (or a friend) 20% off for one course or workshop.
  2. Does not apply to renewal pricing for courses.
  3. Expires: Dec 4, 2023 at 5pm EST.  That is the course or workshop must be bought and paid for by that time.
  4. The 20% off discount may not be used with other discounts.
  5. A person can use (or give) only one email in this promotion period (even though a person may receive more than one related email for this promotion period).
  6. The 20% off discount can be used for any course or workshop starting by February 14, 2023.

We reserve the right to change the rules at any time.


Holiday LAT! – 2023-24! (promotion)

Rules are fairly simple:

  1. Use the promo code HolidayLAT.
  2. You get 20% off on any course or workshop that starts on or before February 29th, 2024.
  3. Offer Expires: January 16, 2024 at 5pm EST.  That is, the course must be bought and paid for by that time.
  4. This promotion may not be used with other discounts (except the cash discount).

We reserve the right to change the rules at any time.