Content from LAT

Our Books

  • A Scrum Introduction.
    • Joe has a relatively new book in progress, nearly finished.  “A Scrum Introduction”  Please download.
    • Substantially complete, but in revision now.
    • The main purpose of the book is to help my students understand Scrum at the early stages.  So, it is fairly short.  Maybe 5-8x larger than the Scrum Guide 2020 (which is only 13 pages).
      And please send us feedback!
  • Agile Release Planning
    • This is my first book, which is available in PDF and EPUB formats from LeanPub.
    • It provides Ideas and Practices.
    • The ideas include the ideas, values and principles that I and others have suggested be applied with adaptive planning.
    • The book also shows these ideas by suggesting specific practices you might use.  Thus, the ideas are easier to understand.
    • We have a new version, almost complete.  Please send me your suggestions!

Our Papers

Joe’s Blog

  • Agile & Business — You can sign up for a feed.  I put most new content here first.


Social Media

  • Twitter: Joe Little and Lean Agile Training — Please follow us; we post updates about courses, new blog posts, etc.
  • LinkedIn:  Joe Little — Please connect with us; we post course specials, have Scrum conversations, etc.


Joe’s Videos


Our Webinars: Video

  • Addressing Problems with Scrum.  The video.  About 21 minutes.
  • 5 Patterns from A Scrum Book by Sutherland, Coplien, et al.  The video.  About 37 minutes.
  • Agile Release Planning – The context and basics.  The video.  About 31 minutes.
  • Agile Release Planning – The Day itself. The video. About 38 minutes.


Joe’s Slide Decks