Regular Slide Decks
Note: If you are looking for slide decks that Introduce our Courses and Workshop, go here:
Slides Decks for Workshops, Presentations, Talks, Webinars
Here are some of the slide decks we have prepared. In PDF format. Assume all are evolving, or will evolve soon, when I have the time and inclination.
Some, as you will see, have evolved over time. Others we put together quickly for one talk (we have not added this type yet).
Executive Manager Introductory Workshop on Agile/Scrum
69 slides.
This is for a 4-hour workshop with the executives and/or (senior) managers. Some of the pages drive lots of discussion, some are “quick hits” where we make a key point and quickly move on.
This is for a particular situation and is a revision of a prior workshop. (Can’t share the specific situation.)
It is not self-explanatory. I never put it all in the slide deck.
It’s always different with each group of executives or senior managers.
My ideal approach is 1-2 hours of basics, followed in the next week by 2-4 hours to add more depth (that this group needs or wants). Yes, they need more but that at least gets them started.
Also, we have a problem now that we did not always have 5 years ago. A lot of managers think they understand agile (yes, some managers actually do understand agile impressively well), or think that half-baked agile is ok. So we now have to explain that we have higher to climb than they are anticipating.
Please offer your comments or suggestions.
What should we cover in an Executives/Senior Managers workshop? Again, I am interested in your ideas.
Improving Scrum Workshop
Four slide decks. This set is evolving, and already has evolved a lot.
Improv Scrum P1-V34
88 slides
Improv Scrum P2-V32
90 slides
Improv Scrum P3-V28.key
75 slides
Improv Scrum P4-V28.key
68 slides
We could use these slide decks in lots of ways with your Team or Teams. We use them in the Real-World Scrum workshop.
The Impediment List (1 hr)
Imped List V13
42 slides
Build Great Teams – 5+ Ideas (1 hr)
BuildGreatTeam V7
37 slides
Dive into: Real-World Scrum Workshop (1 hr)
Real World Scrum-Dive 1 V3
27 slides
The Improving Scrum slide decks (we used P1) are listed above.
Pigs and Chickens Issues (1 hr)
Pigs-Chickens – V9
30 slides
Agile Leaders Dialogue (1 hr)
Agile Leaders Dialogue V9
214 slides; more than 1 hour’s worth.
Webinar_ ALD 2
A drawing.
The SM & Kaizen Culture (1 hr)
55 slides.
Five+ Suggestions for the PO (1 hr)
PO 5 Suggestions – V10
45 slides.
Concepts of Agile Planning (1 hr)
36 slides.
The Lean within Scrum (1 hr)
Lean within Scrum webinar v5 Mar 2025
61 slides.
How Scrum Helps Managers (1 hr)
HowScrumHelpsMgrs V9
46 slides.
Agile Release Planning – Context and Basics (1 hr)
ARP – Hour – V10
58 slides.
Velocity and Story Points (1 hr)
Velocity-Story Points V3
29 slides.
Intro to the Scrum Guide 2020 (1 hr)
13 pages, annotated (marked up).
8 Value-related Patterns (1 hr)
40 slides.
- More to come.