Introductory Slide Decks

Introductions to Courses and Workshops

Note: If you are looking for our other slide decks (eg, for workshops or talks), see here:


Here are some of the slide decks we have prepared to introduce our courses and workshops.  In PDF format.  Assume all are evolving, or will evolve soon, when I have some time and sufficient incentive.

They are introductions to a course or workshop. They are NOT the slide decks I use in the course or workshop.

The Team Level Up workshop (intro):

Team Level Up v29

The Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) course (intro):

Intro to CSPO-ARP V32

The Discovery Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) course (intro):

Intro to CSM-ARP V28

The Unique Agile Release Planning (ARP) workshop (intro):

Intro to ARP V22

The Advanced Certified ScrumMaster (A-CSM) course (intro):

IntroToACSM v33

The Real-World Scrum workshop (intro):

Real World Scrum Workshop V14

The Scaling workshop (intro):

Scaling WorkshopV14

Scrum Basics (intro):

Intro to ScrumV11



  • New / revised decks added often.