Monthly Archives: May 2008
Kaikaku or kaizen? (2)
I recently did a mail/internet survey, asking people what kind of training would be of interest? (If you would like to respond to this, please tell me.) Someone responded, “How about adopting a continuous improvement approach?” Now, I don’t know what the writer had in mind exactly (although maybe I will learn more). I assumed […]
Agile Leadership – 2
This series on leadership arises from a talk by Mary Poppendieck on Agile Leadership. See our earlier post. Now let’s consider leadership in Scrum — in theory and then later, in practice. We are reminded of Yogi Berra’s quote: “In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is.” (A nod […]
Agile Leadership – 1 (Poppendieck talk)
I was pleased to help arrange a talk by Mary Poppendieck at Google in NYC last week. The topic was: “A History of Leadership.” The talk on video is here. The slide deck is here. This is an important topic, and, if I may say so, Mary Poppendieck makes a number of great points. I […]
Kaikaku or kaizen?
As you know, kaizen means continuous improvement. This means a bunch of small improvement over some period of time. Small continuing improvements have many virtues to recommend them. But what if we need a big change? What if we can make a big change? What if a big change is the only thing that makes […]