Monthly Archives: June 2014
Why Managers Should Crave Agile
One idea in the Agile community is that with Agile, we do not need managers anymore. For those of us who have had Dilbert managers, this is a happy thought. But actually, a silly thought. Because even pretty good managers add value and we should have good managers. And ‘good’ means not only morally sound, […]
EPMO for a Smaller Company
In Waterfall we might need something else, but in Agile, what do we want from an Enterprise Project Management Office (EPMO)? If we have a relatively small company (total employees near 1,000, innovation group near 100). (Obviously, if the company were 300,000 people, it would be a different game.) Let me discuss this in 7 […]
Impediments – Charlotte
These are the impediments the Charlotte group identified today. Some of these need a ‘lack of.’ Culture, company politics Missed requirements Team motivation Competing priorities Lack of mgmt support Insufficient expertise Not enough senior support Budget constraints Lack of funding Undefined requirements Poor planning Missed stakeholders Poor training Resources not allowed to focus Requirement clarity […]
Impediment List: Toronto
We just completed a CSM course in Toronto. Here are the impediments they identified, although some are phrased in a positive way. Eg, for some you need to add “…, lack of.” This list, as with others here, supports the idea of a public impediment list. The real issue is ‘fixing impediments regularly and aggressively.” […]