Monthly Archives: February 2018
“Do or do not. There is no try.”
Most everyone knows that quote from Yoda, and it highlights the three key things we must do, and maybe the couple things we must worry about. Don’t do it half-baked. Jeff Sutherland calls it “ScrumButt” and Ken Schwaber calls it Flaccid Scrum. (The second is not my favorite phrase.) You don’t play a game using […]
What to fix first?
One could imagine many situations… But imagine this one. Imagine that you are trying to start Scrum, or perhaps re-start it, or take it to a new level. You have a few teams. But you have some of the following impediments. The project or products are not well prioritized. You have too much work in […]
Defining Agile at Your Firm (or in your Department)
The Idea (or the Practice) Let me propose an idea. I am happier if you call it a practice. The idea is simple. That agreeing on what you are doing will help. Or, that not agreeing and only kinda sorta roughly trying to do [agile] is likely to lead to notably less-good results. And I […]