Monthly Archives: March 2018
A resource for Business Analysts
Here is a new resource for business analysts. In general, this is a very important skill set and we do not give it sufficient attention in Agile, in my opinion. Yes, there are issues. The people who have been business analysts are good people. Yes, we do not want a special role (especially as a […]
Stupid Impediment Tricks – 1
I wanted to review some “obvious” ideas about impediments. Here’s a starting blog post on that theme. No problem is the problem. A lot of teams and people want to have the idea that they are “as good as it gets,” and it may be true that they are very good. In the Lean community […]
The Agile Challenge – Success criteria
A winning entry must of course include some description that explains that your team used Agile. It also needs to explicitly or implicitly include an argument that shows you were more successful because of Agile, and that Agile was at least one of the key causes of success. Any flavor of Agile is OK: DSDM, XP, […]
The Agile Challenge
I am devising a challenge called “The Agile Challenge.” I want to challenge all the Agile teams in North Carolina and South Carolina to prove they are the best. I want some firms or organizations to sponsor the challenge in every way: offer prize money, offer to support teams that enter the challenge, put their names on placards that […]
Working Product and the DOD
This is one in a series on Scrum Intro. The preceding post is here. Now we come to the Working Product. The big phrase is “potentially shippable product increment.” What it means is first this: At the end of a Sprint, we expect every story that the team committed to in the Sprint Planning Meeting is […]