Agile Carolinas: Dec 17: The Holiday Episode

Hi all,

On Thursday, Dec 17, we’ll have a self-organized party.  From 5:30 to 7:30.

We need YOU to volunteer.

We need you to suggest things you want to do in this period.  For 10, 15, or 30 minutes.

You can do any sort of short program. In break-out rooms or in the main room.

Joe Little will offer “gifts” in the form of 10 things to do if your Team has plateaued.  20 minutes.

Here are some other ideas:

  1. A Get-To-Know-You exercise, such as putting small groups in break-out rooms, learning, and then sharing quickly in the main room.
  2. Favorite Agile videos.
  3. Favorite party drink.
  4. Who has the best agile team.
  5. Favorite Agile game, with perhaps a demo (if you can, given remote).
  6. Favorite Agile tool that enables remote collaboration.

Please email with what you’d like to do, or to lead.

We look forward to your fun ideas.

Happy holidays!  And BYOB.



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Posted in: agile, Teams

2 thoughts on “Agile Carolinas: Dec 17: The Holiday Episode

  1. Pingback: Get them Climbing again – Continuous Improvement

  2. Pingback: Webinar: An Introduction to the Advanced CSM Course – Continuous Improvement

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