Impediments – Charlotte

These are the impediments the Charlotte group identified today. Some of these need a ‘lack of.’

  1. Culture, company politics
  2. Missed requirements
  3. Team motivation
  4. Competing priorities
  5. Lack of mgmt support
  6. Insufficient expertise
  7. Not enough senior support
  8. Budget constraints
  9. Lack of funding
  10. Undefined requirements
  11. Poor planning
  12. Missed stakeholders
  13. Poor training
  14. Resources not allowed to focus
  15. Requirement clarity
  16. Lack of planning
  17. Change controls (lack of)
  18. Team not on the same page
  19. Skill set
  20. Lack of resources
  21. Planning
  22. No fun
  23. Sponsorship
  24. Not clear communication
  25. Scope not right sized
  26. Compressed testing
  27. Lack of teamwork
  28. Budget
  29. Lack of management
  30. Lack of testing
  31. Documentation not defined
  32. Non-agile team member
  33. Unproductive meetings
  34. Too many meetings
  35. No collaboration, no feedback
  36. Unreasonable expectations
  37. Market changes
  38. Over confidence
  39. Changes identified but not communicated
  40. Late change requests
  41. Incorrect requirements
  42. Compressed timeline
  43. Disagreement on “process”
  44. Incorrect estimates
  45. Poor communicating team members
  46. Unclear acceptance criteria
  47. Unclear vision of customer

As stated in many other places on this blog, I hope these lists encourage you, your team and your company to aggressively identify and attack impediments, one at a time.  Make life better for yourself, your team and customers.


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