Impediments – From the Charlotte Class in Sept.

Here are some impediments identified in an exercise by the Charlotte CSM Class in September.

Some duplicates, some overlaps.

May this list make your Team more creative about identifying impediments. May it lead to your Team to fixing the highest priority impediment first.

The List:

  • Personal Agenda
  • Hierarchical approach
  • Understand tasks (tasks not understood, I think)
  • Structure (too much)
  • Micro Management
  • Pressure & Stress (too much)
  • Over-communication
  • Managers(too many)
  • Priorities all-over (…the place)
  • Undefined requirements
  • Complexity
  • Synergy issues (dysfunctional team)
  • Skill sets (Engineers & DBAs)
  • Focus
  • Resource Constraint
  • Customer Sat.
  • People and Resource Availability
  • Lack of stakeholder buy-in
  • Waterfall
  • Too many priorities
  • No business value
  • Multi-tasking
  • Lack of Management Support
  • Lack of communication
  • Conflicting Priorities
  • Out of Scope
  • Limited Resources & People
  • Lack of Resources & People
  • Over-budget
  • Management Disagreement
  • Unclear Requirements
  • Lack of Requirements (in some areas)
  • Inaccurate requirements
  • Ego
  • Leadership
  • Lack of Buy-in (by Team)
  • Lack of budget


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