Impediments (or symptoms of) – Montreal Class July 2013

Below is a list of ‘failure modes’ for projects, as identified via the experience (in waterfall, whatever, agile or scrum) by the people in the Montreal July 2013 class.  These are not in priority order.  They suggest certain impediments to add to the Public Impediment List for your team.

  1. Lack of communication
  2. Too many impediments
  3. Not responsive to change
  4. Scope creep
  5. No (or different) work approach
  6. Too much indirect communication
  7. No budget
  8. Bad (or lack of) leadership
  9. Poor quality
  10. Too much process
  11. Toxic teammate
  12. No access to client
  13. Too much documentation
  14. Too many meetings
  15. No teamwork (individual work silos)
  16. Change in requirements
  17. No Org support
  18. Unsatisfied customer (at the end)
  19. No vision
  20. Unclear requirements
  21. Delivered late
  22. Too little experience in Team
  23. Lack of planning
  24. Unrealistic timelines
  25. No fun
  26. Lack of consistency
  27. Hidden agendas
  28. Lone wolves
  29. Switching team members
  30. Micro-managing
  31. Too many chiefs
  32. Over-work
  33. No Buy-in

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