Latest ‘Agile Release Planning’ ebooklet

I am pleased to announce that I have completed a full edit of the booklet.

It covers:

* Vision
* Product Backlog
* Business Value
* Effort
* Risks, Dependencies, Learning, MMFS, and other
* Ordering the Work
* Drawing the line
* “Communications Plan”
* The Fix-It Plan
* Other things
* Release Plan Refactoring

I use these ideas in the workshop that I do for every course. So, I know the ideas work.

And I am feeling better about how they are expressed in this booklet.

Also, I would appreciate your comments.  If you like it, and if you find things to be improved. Or if you have questions.

Please download the booklet here.  It is about 33 pages.

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3 thoughts on “Latest ‘Agile Release Planning’ ebooklet

  1. Erich

    Finally got it and read it. Very good work Joe, very syntetised and practical ebook and one of the few resources which focus on the truly first release planning.

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