Webinar: Intro to the Scaling Workshop

We are giving a free webinar about our Scaling workshop, so you are aware and so you can ask questions.


We have given the Scaling workshop many times.   Clients are very happy.

The basic idea is to take a real situation (maybe situations, working side-by-side).  And we do the following:

(1) Discuss scaling concepts quickly.

(2) Discuss the current state for that specific situation.

(3) Discuss the future state for that situation.  Likely 3-6 months from now. What we want (that is feasible).

(4) Discuss a path for the implementation of the changes.  (Usually a stumbling block.  Makes people realistic.)

Each group comes out with an action plan for making things better.

There are variations we can do.  The workshop is typically 1 day.


Date: Tuesday, November 3, 2020 at 11:30 am. EST.

Duration: 30 minutes.  A short presentation and your questions.

Cost: Free.

Please come.  We will explain a little and answer your questions!


Here is the slide deck we used (PDF) in the last session:

Scaling WorkshopV4


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Posted in: Better Agile, courses

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