Why our CSM (Scrum) course + Workshop is unique.

We believe our CSM (Scrum) course plus Workshop is unique.  And better.  For the following reasons.

1. We focus on results. We want you, your team and your customers to get real results in a big way.  In 3 words, more satisfaction, more money, more fun.

2. Therefore the teaching style is not toward remembering explicit knowledge.  The teaching style is to enable you to change your own mind, so that you want to take action.

3. We focus more on ‘why’ each Scrum practice is done.  We think that this ‘music’ makes the dance steps of Scrum more powerful, more effective.

4. We have learned from 8 co-trainings with Jeff Sutherland.

5. We are more business-oriented than most Scrum trainers.  And still protective of the Team being asked to do a Death March that someone might dare to still call ‘Scrum.’

6. While we offer some serious challenges, and ask you to challenge yourselves and your company to truly achieve the results you deserve, we are also realistic.  We appreciate that Scrum will be tough. We offer sympathy.  But not too much.

7. Attendees say the Agile Release Planning workshop converts the ideas of the course into action. So that the Team can get off to a better start.


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