Scrum Outside IT – 1

We are going to share a few key ideas, too quickly, about using Scrum outside IT (usually they really mean outside software development). Minor point: IT (meaning information technology) is a bit of an old-fashioned concept.  Probably somewhat inaccurate when used at your business.  But, no time to discuss here. First, Scrum can definitely be […]

ScrumMaster vs Agile Coach

Question Joe: I’ve found that an Agile Coach has been engaged to coach a Scrum Team. What is the difference in roles between an Agile Coach and a Scum Master?  I thought the Scrum Master would be responsible for coaching the team?  Or possibly the Scrum Master is new and/or not as effective as expected? […]

What do I do with a Distributed Team?

Question: How can I help a distributed Team be more productive? Answer: First, one of the most important things about a small team of knowledge workers is communication. Why is communication so important?   There are many ways to answer this question.  In creating knowledge together, the team is always learning. As they get to know […]

What should I do if I cannot get a real Team?

Question: What should I do if I cannot get a real Team? Answer: First, let’s assume you are doing something important.  That it is the next most important thing to do at your company (eg, a release).  If so, you would do best to get a real Team.  And Scrum will have a bigger positive […]

ScrumMaster: No Power

One of the key things about the ScrumMaster is that he/she has no power.  No authority. There is a line in Scrum (from Ken Schwaber?) that “the ScrumMaster has no authority”… and I understood that meant that the ScrumMaster did have the authority to define or describe what Scrum is (the authority on that), but […]

Our Scaling Workshop – What and Why?

Here is a 5-minute video on our Scaling Workshop. We think this 1-day workshop is the best way to improve both iteratively and incrementally toward better scaling. What is Scaling anyway? We explain the why, the activities and the results. We hope you find it interesting and want to talk more. Click here to see the current […]

Why Should You Take Our Agile Release Planning Workshop?

We just prepared a video to explain our Agile Release Planning Workshop. The attendees of our workshop often say it is “essential” and is highly recommended to others looking to learn more about Agile Release Planning. Here’s a 5-minute video that explains the workshop a bit more. We hope to see you in the workshop — […]

Why dwell on the basics of Scrum?

Sometimes I am asked, why do you dwell on the basics of Scrum in your CSM class. A couple of obvious answers, although not the most important: there are beginners in most classes Scrum Alliance expects me to cover the basics while the students read the Scrum Guide (often) before the class, they do not […]

The key purpose of Agile Release Planning

The following email lacks some context, but I wanted to post it anyway.  This is what I usually say (enact) at the end of the Agile Release Planning segment or workshop.  Hope it helps you.  This was said in a recent email to a class, as you’ll see. *** Hi all, There was something important […]

Webinar: Addressing Problems With Scrum

There are 3 perceived problems of Scrum that we talk about during this lightning Scrum webinar: Scrum is a panacea or silver bullet. There are just too many meetings. There is way too much transparency — why? We hope this video will help you in addressing these concerns when they comeup in your organization. Despite […]