Leadership: Getting us there

We always need leadership to help us through the many hard patches, and on to ultimate success.

It is hard to describe a good leader, but some important elements are..

  • passion for the vision
  • perseverance
  • courage
  • helping others overcome their roadblocks
  • assuring that most of the team is winning and that few things lead to trade offs where one person is hurt

We also mention the creation of “Ba” (Japanese word), which represents that context or place in which new knowledge is created. Only by creating knowledge can the seeming constraints be transcended, and success becomes possible.

Many people possess one or more of these skills. It is bringing it all to fruition so that the team reaches the goal.

Still, there remains that element of magic.

It may be that some of us are leaders more than others, but on any day, anyone can help lead the team toward success.


In regard to Ba, we recommend The Concept of Ba by Nonaka and Konno.



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