AC: Open Space on Managers & Agile

Agile Carolinas for October 2020 Meeting

We want to have the following session.

Topic: Managers & Agile

Being consistent with Open Space, this is a fairly open topic.

Here are some sessions that you might want (and you get to choose):

  • How much should the Managers drive Agile adoption?
  • Are Managers the last (cultural) frontier?
  • How do we develop the Managers better to be Agile Managers?
  • How would you know an Agile Manager if you met one?
  • Let’s blame everything on the Managers!  Ok (1 min later).  Now what?
  • What is the role of an Agile Manager with an Agile Team?
  • How does a Manager come to love self-organizing and self-managing?
  • Can we trust the teenagers with the car keys on Friday night?
  • Agile Managers: What are the problems you see need fixing?  (eg, Teams using “agile” as an excuse for an [every] unprofessional practice)
  • How Managers feel squeezed (between boss and teams), and what to do about it.
  • I find managers don’t get [X]; please help me fix mine
  • Who can kill a good agile transformation?  Middle managers.
  • Tell me about the wonderful thing an Agile Manager (one time) did.  I want small positive stories.

Date: Thursday, October 22, 2020

Hours: 5:30pm EDT to 7:30pm EDT

Approach: Open Space.

We start with a theme.  The attendees decide the sessions.  We have 3-4 rooms.  We have 3 short (20 min) sessions.  So, 9-12 total topics.

You are responsible for your own learning.  Propose what you want.  Then go to the session you want.  But if you proposed, you probably have some responsibility to lead the CONVERSATION.

So, Open Space is about great conversations, not about lecturing or giving speeches. At least not long ones.

Come and bring the people you want to be there!!



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Posted in: agile, Talks

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