Next Agile Carolinas Meeting – July 30 – Your Agile Career

Topic: Your Agile Career event.

This theme is NOT just for beginners.  This is for all stages of your career.  But perhaps not for those already CEO of IBM.  We partly assume that most people are interested to share about their current stage, and many will want to know about “the next stage”.  (Some will be there to hire.)

Includes: VP – Development, Manager, CPO, PO, SM, Team member, QA, SVP of the Agile Transformation, Manager of a major LOB/Division, Coder, Architect, business stakeholder, Start-up founder, Steve Jobs, and the next Steve Jobs who is only 18 now.

IOW: Even if agile is not in or around your title or role, we advise designing your career in a more agile way.  Implicitly or explicitly, you have to be agile.  And more agile.

Format: Open Space for 2 hours.

The kinds of questions you might ask:

1. What is the demand for ScrumMasters now?

2. What defines a good firm for an agile career?

3. Which certification(s) is/are most helpful?

4. How do I find my next job?

5. How about being a contractor or consultant?  How to do that better?

6. Given [X situation..], now that I have [Y position], what is my best next step?


We should have a wide group, with many different perspectives.  You should be able to get into small groups and learn a LOT.


This will be online.  We will be using Zoom, and the break out rooms feature.


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