A list summarizing Scrum

We have a slightly improved version of our ‘List Summarizing Scrum.’ Not many changes, but a few minor ones.

A list summarizing ScrumV6.

How can this be useful?

First, it is only a list, and prints onto one page (front and back).

Two proposed uses:

1. Visit a team, and discuss the list fairly quickly.

The purpose is to enable a conversation leading to a successful use of  Lean-Agile-Scrum ideas. The purpose is, of course, to decide where to improve.

  • Which ones are [they] doing?
  • Which ones are [they] not doing?
  • Any ideas [they] do not understand?
  • In which areas do [they] need the most help?

2. Define Agile-Scrum at your company.

The list is a start, defining what you mean by Agile, at your company.

Perhaps you have a rule that says, “If you are going to be ‘Agile,’ you are expected to be doing the things on the list. If you need to make an exception, please speak to Dr. Freud.”

The notions behind this rule are several:

  • Often ‘Agile’ has no definition, and this often leads to unprofessional Agile.
  • Things can be crazy ‘out there.’ (Hence a smiling reference to Dr Freud.) That is, if you ask, ‘Why aren’t you doing X?’ they often just say, ‘We forgot.’
  • There is always a need for each team to be different. Rarely do they need to be different at the framework level, but sometimes even at that level. So, some allowance needs to be made.
  • Often teams are junior or do not fully understand Agile; or have mistaken ideas about Agile. Once they speak to an expert, they see the ‘errors of their prior thinking’ and decide to do Agile more professionally.

I recommend the carrot more than the stick. That is, people should be encouraged and supported in doing Agile professionally, rather than punished when they ‘do not comply.’


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