Agile Carolinas meeting: Helping Agile Managers – an open space-like event. July 1

Next Aile Carolinas  meeting.  In an Open Space-like format.  2 hours.

Topic / Theme: Helping Agile Managers / Leaders

Date: July 1, Thursday, at 5:00 pm EDT, for 2 hours.

Format: Online (Zoom)

This will be done in an Open Space way.

We will have simultaneous sessions (break outs) on Zoom.

Here are some questions you might want to discuss (and learn about):

  1. What is an Agile Manager?
  2. How do we define the role?
  3. How do we help new people become a good Agile Manager?
  4. How do we know an Agile Manager has made the paradigm shift?
  5. How can we bring up the talent to their highest potential?
  6. What kinds of education should they have?  Or workshops?  Or “outside” things?
  7. What are the qualities of a really good Agile Manager?
  8. The Scrum Guide says the Team is self-managing.  How do we talk to an Agile Manager about that?  How is the Agile Manager managing?
  9. What’s the difference between a Manager and a Leader (with Agile)

You may suggest other topics – now, but mainly during the session.  This is Open Space.  So, everyone gets to make last minute decisions.

But add your thoughts now, if you have a few minutes.

Please join us to discuss.

[Add link for Event – TBA]


Separately: If you have suggestions for topics for these webinars (really anything related to agile), please send them to me.  A topic might be a question, issue or concern, from someone in the Team, from Customers, or from other people outside the Team.

Thank you!

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Posted in: Better Agile, courses