Webinar: Discussing 7 Scrum Patterns

This is another in our Webinar Series.  1 hour.

Topic: Discussing 7 Scrum Patterns

Date: August 10th, Tuesday, at 1:30 pm EDT, for 1 hour.

Format: Online.

As you know, the idea of patterns has been around for a long time.  And became more popular after architect Christopher Alexander wrote the book: A Pattern Language.

Fairly recently, Jeff Sutherland, James Coplien et al wrote: A Scrum Book.  That has 94 patterns, a pattern language for agile-scrum.

We will select 7 patterns to discuss together.  We will present each pattern, and then we can share ideas about each one.

We will also provide a short intro to patterns.

If you have a pattern you would particularly like to discuss, please tell us.  You might influence our selection.

See: ScrumPLOP.org

Or, read (part of) A Scrum Book.

Please join us to discuss.

[Add link for Webinar on this site – TBA]


Separately: If you have suggestions for topics for these webinars (really anything related to agile), please send them to me.  A topic might be a question, issue or concern, from someone in the Team, from Customers, or from other people outside the Team.
Here: jhlittle@leanagiletraining.com

Thank you!

« « Webinar: Alternatives to Scaling 3 Teams || Agile Carolinas meeting: Helping Agile Managers – an open space-like event. July 1 » »

Posted in: Better Agile, courses

2 thoughts on “Webinar: Discussing 7 Scrum Patterns

  1. Pingback: Agile Carolinas meeting: Helping Agile Managers – an open space-like event. July 1 – E-learning for Everyone

  2. Pingback: Webinar: Discussing 7 Scrum Patterns - Software Mile.com

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