Courses We Offer

We offer many courses and workshops:

Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) course – This is the basic course, which I recommend for everyone and for teams. We now almost always include a 1-Day workshop (on Agile Release Planning). I strongly recommend this. Occasionally, I offer a 2-Day workshop as well.

Intermediate Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) course – In this course we want people who are experienced with Scrum — either notable experience or a CSM plus some experience –because it addresses more advanced topics. In addition I include a workshop (on Agile Release Planning).

Scrum 201 – This is an intermediate course for any team member or manager.  We assume a CSM or CSPO, and some good experience using Scrum. Also, it includes a workshop.  With the workshop, you earn 22 SEUs toward the CSP certification.  The real purpose is to help you move your team to the next level. This course  helps to answer all the detailed questions that come up when you implement Scrum.

For more details (dates, etc.) see:

We also recommend in-house courses, and I can lead any of these courses at your firm. And many other courses and workshops.
And we have other courses in the works.

Some of these courses are often co-taught with colleagues. The colleague brings a different viewpoint and a wealth of experience leading an agile transition at a large corporation.

Don’t be shy about asking me or Cassandra Wagner ( questions.

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