Refresher Attendees: new program

We have just started a new program:  having prior attendees of my courses attend the same course again.  Almost for free.  Well, not exactly free.  You have to pay a much-reduced fee.

People need this.

  • they have forgotten
  • they have mis-remembered
  • they have not used certain skills or knowledge
  • they have seen and grown accustomed to different ideas

A main usage of this is for people to attend again when some of their associates attend the first time. This can be very valuable.  Makes it much easier to be their ScrumMaster, since you see where they are coming from.

Research shows that attendees typically remember only about 20% of the content of a course.

I see, as people come back, that attendees only take in a small portion of what I really mean, just as the research suggests. (This is just normal, not anyone’s fault.)

Further: Now that the person has tried (for 6 months, or 2 years) to do Scrum professionally, it is very valuable now to renew that knowledge, and get much more value.


We have a few rules on this program.

1. You have to have attended the same course / workshop with the same instructor.  (EDIT: As of 12/20/2023: this only applies to re-taking the Agile Release Planning workshop.)

So, if you attended a CSM course, then you can “refresh” with any CSM course, at a much-reduced rate.  If you took the ARP Workshop as well, you can “refresh” the Workshop also.

The course does not need to be at the same location (same city). This is not restricted to the CSM course/workshop.

2. We must have space for the next “refresher” person in the class/workshop.

Availability may be limited.  Ask us.

3. The current fee is $100 per “day” for online courses.  So, a total of $200 for a CSM or CSPO course.

This fee may change.  Plus, if you want to renew your certification, you must pay another $50, which is the fee that Scrum Alliance wants the CST to pay for that certification renewal.  BTW, all certifications are renewed.

The rules are subject to change, as we see and learn how this works in practice.


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