Webinar: Intro to the Agile Release Planning workshop

Almost every week we give an 8 hour Agile Release Planning workshop.

This short webinar is to introduce the Workshop and to give you an opportunity to ask questions about it.


People who take the workshop say: “It should be required.”  “Essential” and “That’s where it all came together for me.”  Clients are very happy.

The basic idea is to organize people into tables (or Zoom break-out rooms) and have each table work on a project that is real (for at least one person at that table).  And that person acts as the PO.

It is very real and practical.

(1) We discuss planning concepts and the planning for that day.

(2) We pick the work for each table (break-out).

(3) We go through the proposed steps, in a very practical way.  At the end of which they have a decent first-pass plan.

(4) We discuss what happens after this day. And what we have learned.

There are other variations we can do.

The workshop itself is typically 1 full day or two half days.

Our intro webinar is 30 mins.


Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 1:30 pm EST.

Duration: 30 minutes.  A short presentation and your questions.

Cost: Free.

Please come.  We will explain a little and answer your questions!

Below is a link to a slide deck we used last session.


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Posted in: Better Agile, courses

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