Category Archives: learning
The Nokia Test (3): Agile Specifications
The third line in the Nokia Test is: “The Iteration must start before the specification is complete.” What does this mean? The first practical goal was to eliminate the analysis paralysis and delay associated with waiting until the specification was “complete.” I don’t know all the details at Nokia, but I have lived them at […]
How to learn more about Lean-Agile
Several people who have taken recent courses have asked: “Where do we find a discussion group where we can learn more about Agile?” Here are some answers: First, find local people. Agile Alliance has a list of agile groups. In fact, the Scrum community has identified its community more broadly and specifically, here. [Not sure […]
Google, Agile and Business Value
Google announced on 4/20/2007 that it earned $1.002 billion in the first quarter. The Net was up 69% from 2006. The sales increase was not too shabby either. Maybe it’s a company we can learn from. (Or maybe they are just lucky.) Google uses Agile. As I hear, Agile isn’t forced on anyone, and many […]
Do we have to use the F-word?
OK, it’s a provocative title. I like to talk about two F-words: Feelings and Failure. This post is about failure and how to use it. I was working inside a firm recently and someone said: “We can’t talk about failure around here. That would hurt our careers.” Ummm. First, let me (apparently) change subjects completely. […]