Category Archives: Scrum

Scrum Values

All of you should be aware of the Agile Manifesto and the Agile Principles. To me, they are not perfect, but they are an excellent expression of many key ideas behind Agile.  And we should be thinking about them every day.  They require thought and common sense to consider how they should be applied on […]

What does the Scrum framework do?

To be honest, Scrum itself doesn’t ‘do’ anything.  Scrum is just a basic framework that gives you some practices, etc (and includes some values and principles).  It depends mostly on the people in the field, or, we might say, in the Team. Scrum will immediately help in some ways. But its main value, IMO, is […]

Impediments: from the Charleston CSM class in September

As you may know, I think in Scrum it is key to aggressively attack impediments. I think each Team should have a (mostly) public impediment list. The SM should be attacking the top impediment each day.  This ‘kaizen’ should lead to improvements in velocity. Every Team can get better. Always. An impediment is anything (anything!) […]

Scrum is Hard! (Scrum is fun!)

The classic phrase from Sutherland and Schwaber is: Scrum is simple, but Scrum is hard. Yet, with almost any decent Team, Scrum is fun. Unless the personal chemistry is dysfunctional. So: If I don’t warn you that Scrum is hard, I am lying. But if I don’t ‘warn’ you that Scrum will be fun, I […]

Empirical Process Control

Empirical Process Modeling Ken Schwaber and others talk of Empirical Process Control ideas as being key to understanding Scrum.  I think this is good sense. Mr. Schwaber got these ideas from Babtunde Ogunnaike and W. Harmon Ray, who wrote the process bible: Process Dynamics, Modeling and Control.  A big ole book, mainly about chemical processes. We […]

Are there Project Managers in Scrum? No (but…)

Scrum has only 3 roles: Product Owner, ScrumMaster and Implementer. Who is responsible for ‘the project’?  Well, that would be the whole Team. What do we do with George, who was a Project Manager (PM)?  Well, we have to talk to George.  Maybe he would make a great ScrumMaster or a great Product Owner.  Or […]

Don’t Blame Scrum for Helping You See

Today I completed a CSM course & Workshop in Charlotte. I forgot to tell the attendees one thing. One of the major purposes of Scrum is to enable the Team to see its problems better.  Seeing problems (impediments) better, the Team and firm will take more action to fix the top impediment (well, over time, […]

Summarizing Scrum (a list)

The more I think about Scrum, the more it becomes a Gestalt…a whole thing.  It becomes somewhat misleading to talk about its parts. Scrum itself is actually very small.  We recommend you do all of Scrum; it will lead to better results almost always.  It you only take part of the medicine…well, you will not […]

A list summarizing Scrum

The list below is not self-explanatory, but it covers the key ideas one has to know and execute on to do Scrum professionally.  Of course, becoming proficient at doing them at the highest level (at the rugby World Cup level) is a lifetime’s work.  Rugby is a simple game with simple rules, but to reach […]

Why Do Scrum?

If we hear about Scrum and want to convince some managers to do it, how should we present the benefits of this approach? The 2011 Agile Survey by Version One gives some ideas.  See it here: Typically the biggest idea is: faster time to market.  And this is a very powerful idea. But it is […]