Category Archives: Talks
BVPs, Fun, and the Game
Topic: BVPs, Fun, the Game, and Transparency I will lead the discussion of this topic on Thursday (March 24th, 2022) at Agile-Carolinas. 5:00pm – 7:00pm EDT Online this time. (In-person next time.) What is the topic? Here are a few ideas that give you some hints. I advocate for Business Value Points. And the use […]
AC: Open Space on Managers & Agile
Agile Carolinas for October 2020 Meeting We want to have the following session. Topic: Managers & Agile Being consistent with Open Space, this is a fairly open topic. Here are some sessions that you might want (and you get to choose): How much should the Managers drive Agile adoption? Are Managers the last (cultural) frontier? […]
Webinar: A Real Team + A better Sprint Planning Meeting
Above is the title of the webinar for today. Below is the slide deck. It’s about 30 minutes on each topic, including discussion and questions. Webinar- Real Team + better SPM V2 And here is the video: Enjoy!
Webinar: On Agile Managers (2 parts)
This is another in our Webinar Series. The overall topic is building agile managers. For this session, I propose two sub-topics, to give us some focus within this huge topic. Two Sub-Topics: How do we want the Manager interacting with the Team? So, we are limiting it this time to one manager and one team. […]
Webinar: Aggressively Attacking Impediments & Using BV Points
I just did a Webinar on this topic. Below is the PDF of of the Keynote I used.
LAT Webinar – Your questions
Every month we will do a short 1-hour webinar about questions or issues of concern to you. (You are welcome to propose topics.) On July 24, we will discuss two topics in that 1 hour: 1. What is Agile Release Planning? I will share my thoughts, somewhat different than the workshop. For examples, what is […]
Michelin’s Agile Journey
Kevin Cosgrove, a great Canadian guy, made a wonderful presentation at Agile Carolinas last Wednesday night. I have three big takeaways, although it includes many great ideas. (Others might have different take-aways.) 1. Team’s should be 100% dedicated. And (mostly) Michelin was NOT doing this at one time, but NOW is doing this. And a […]
Webinar: When should a ScrumMaster be Full-Time? (video)
Here is the video (slides and voice) of the Webinar, including Q & A. About 40 minutes for the whole thing. (We went over.) Enjoy!
Webinar: When to have a Full-Time ScrumMaster?
The simple answer is: usually. When doing Scrum professionally. We also discuss seven situations where people have a part-time SM. And give our comments. Here is the slide deck. Fulltime SM V2 On the Full-Time theme, Kerry added some cool pictures of clocks, AKA time machines. We will soon add a link to the video […]
Agile Transformation: 4 Suggestions and Discussion
Last night I was at Agile Midlands in Columbia. We had a good group of Agilists and discussed Agile Transformation. Here is the slide deck that I used to discuss a few suggestions. You might enjoy it. Agile Transformation 4+Talk V3