Certified Scrum Product Owner course Apr 27-28

For the team’s work, a good Product Owner is very important.

A decent PO should be able to double the value delivered by the team, just by their own efforts, in 6 months. (This assumes a normal team, as I see them.) This can make the lives of many real people better: customers, the team, managers, shareholders, etc.

There are too few of these Certified Scrum Product Owner (CSPO) courses, in my opinion. And too few really good POs.

Why our course? Many reasons. What we will say quickly here: we have an MBA and a deep interest in Business Value Engineering.

See here: http://bit.ly/bAwwFb

CSPO, Charlotte, Apr 27-28.

« « If you wait for perfection…. || What does a PO do? » »

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