Leading Lean Software Development Chi Feb 10-11

Also wanted to make a quick post about this course. Mary & Tom Poppendieck recently completed their new book (of basically the same title). They will be leading this course in Chicago on February 10-11.

They gave essentially the same course in Chicago last year just after Agile2009. Everyone was happy with it. The lean ideas are very important.

Hope you can join us.

See here: http://bit.ly/b67Dyz

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One thought on “Leading Lean Software Development Chi Feb 10-11

  1. Joe Little


    I have had two commenters recently who commented in some language, pretty sure it was Chinese. I find that I have to moderate the comments; most are fine, but a few are just advertisements or similar, so I must reject them. My apologies to these two commenters; I had to reject them due to my inability to understand what they were saying. What they said was probably fine, but I could not tell.

    Thanks, Joe

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