Services We Provide

Excuse this short commercial advertising. (Some of you may want and need this information.)

We provide Lean-Agile coaching. See here, or contact us (contact info is at that site). From one day to 400 days. This is what we do; we’re good at it. We do many varieties of coaching.

We also provide Lean-Agile training. In fact, we just opened a new site, We have been doing training for years, but this site is new.

Within the training category, we provide both public courses and in-house courses (contact us). The public courses are being updated all the time.

You may wish to subscribe to our LAT newsletter (monthly) — see on the upper right-hand bar, or see the mailing list form. The newsletter also includes three or four new ideas each month, which we hope you find useful.

…well, maybe not as good as a Super Bowl ad.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.


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