Thank You!

I am back from a visit to Lima, Peru. And from New York, Newark and Sarratoga Springs.

Freud said that life is about arbeitung und lieben — work and love. To me, these words have started to intermingle. At a deep level, I think we wish that those we love know we have tried to express our love for them. And we never express this well, or as each person would want, but we tried in our actions or words to express it as well as we could to him or her. Particularly, to those we care about most.

So, today I want to say, Thank you!

Thank you to my family for putting up with my travels, and me.
Thank you to my friends for helping me. I am grateful.
Thank you to my course attendees and my clients for letting me do the work that I love so much. And, I hope, for letting me help with your work. And increasing your ability to make other lives better. This to me is satisfaction. Thank you!

Also this is an admission of partial failure. None of you can know how much more I had to say than I said. There is so much more, and I know how poorly it has been expressed.

And I know that what I have expressed or done has, often times, fallen on “unprepared” ears. It was not the right time, or the right phrasing, or it was too physical, or too dramatically stated, or too abstractly stated. It was said in metaphors that fit my culture or my nature, but not your culture or nature. Or it was too quiet or indirectly stated.

Each of us wants and needs things to be expressed or done in a certain way and at a certain time. And I know, too well, that I am not always able to do that. It saddens me that my actions or words could not have been more of what you needed. Sadness is just part of being human. I can accept it well.

But again I say, more happily: Thank you!

One can say: Muchas gracias! Merci beaucoup! Vielen Dank! Mille grazie!  In my mother tongue it is: Thank you!

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