Fun & Success – Learn Scrum

Fun & success? In the same sentence?

  • “You are doing Scrum right if and only if you are having more fun. Serious fun.”
  • “You are doing Scrum right if and only if you are having clear success.”

How can these both be true? Pushing through to success is so stressful. Fun is light-hearted, like laughter.

Well, this is one of the paradoxes of Agile.

Oh, about the Dilbert cartoon. Seriously, we recommend that you have at least some training before starting Agile. The whole team in fact, is what we recommend (sounds self-serving, I know, but that is the best recommendation). On the fun side, we love to hate Dilbert managers as much as the next guy, but some of the managers actually drink beer and eat pizza like normal people. Who knew they could actually help remove impediments? And lead us toward a more fun life with more success.

For almost everyone, Scrum is a serious paradigm shift. Get ready. (If you think you have made the shift, you probably haven’t.) And get ready to have more fun.

Yes, even the course is mostly fun, with, for example, a bunch of exercises and a PG-rated Richard Pryor joke. We leave no stone unturned to help you flip those bits in your wetware.

Wetware is the hardest thing to refactor.

If you are interested, you can find our courses here.



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Posted in: courses, Key problems

One thought on “Fun & Success – Learn Scrum

  1. Joe Little

    Andy Hunt wrote a great book titled "Refactoring Your Wetware". Not the first use of the term "wetware", but a great book and a great guy (IMHO).

    Regards, Joe

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