Yahoo Groups — 4 easy lessons

Apologies to those used to Yahoo groups. This is for beginners.

First, why should you care? Because lots of really smart people use Yahoo groups (and ScrumDev in particular).

Second, why should you worry? Because lots of people hear stupid things or get into flame wars on Yahoo groups (and similar). You must Think For Yourself.


1. How to get there

Go here
In the search box, type in Scrum (one example)
Click on Scrum Development

2. How to join

At the home page, click on Join This Group!
You will be asked to Sign In or Sign Up (become a “member” of Yahoo…it’s free)

3. How to read

From the home page, click on Conversations (upper left)
In your Edit Membership (or when you join a group), you can say if you want single or daily emails when posts happen. I like Daily.

4. How to post

One way: Under Conversations, click on New Topic, or, under a post, click on Reply. That gives you a window to make a post.
Or you can send an email.

To find the email address to send to, click ‘About’ and go down to Group Email Addresses.


OK. Now change the mindstream.

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