Scrum Certification Test

The Scrum Alliance has recently announced a Scrum Certification Test (a.k.a. CSM Test). Two cheers. This is a minor good thing.

It is an opportunity to say what makes someone good at Scrum. Hint: High scores on the Scrum Test probably have very little to do with it.

First, Scrum is a team sport, so the abilities of one person are particularly relevant.

Second, explicit knowledge, while somewhat useful, is not the main deal. The juice is in the tacit knowledge.

Third, building unused inventories of explicit knowledge is probably NOT going to help.

Fourth: Courage.

It takes courage to come in each day and face one’s imperfections, and force oneself to get better. Similarly, it takes courage from the team to come in each morning, tell the truth and face their own imperfections. Every day. (Scrum is fun too, but I think courage is the key.)

And it often takes courage to tell the managers of the organization that things need fixing.


More book learning about Scrum: Yes, good and let’s add a minor test just to encourage that.

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