LAT Webinar – Your questions

Every month we will do a short 1-hour webinar about questions or issues of concern to you.  (You are welcome to propose topics.)

On July 24, we will discuss two topics in that 1 hour:

1. What is Agile Release Planning?

I will share my thoughts, somewhat different than the workshop.

For examples, what is “agile” about release planning?

You can ask more detailed questions.  We’ll go for about 30 minutes.

2. Let’s do 3o minutes on Scaling

I will talk about why I think a scaling workshop is the best way to attack these issues.

Some concerns I have about scaling.

How to define the word “scaling”.

(My main definition of scaling: when 3+ teams that must work together closely to get one “hairy” product delivered.)

And some of your questions.


Please join us.  There is a nominal fee of $5.  To assure that all participants are committed (at least that much).

Link for registration to be added soon.


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