Webinar: Scrum Patterns

This is another in our Webinar Series.  1 hour.

Topic: Scrum Patterns (Improve Now)

Date: June 17th, at 2pm EDT, for 1 hour.


We will introduce the idea of Scrum Patterns, and discuss some background.

And then mainly discuss 10 key patterns that can make your Team better now.

These are from the patterns that Jeff Sutherland feels are key to helping your Team become Highly Effective.  See here.

Again, we will discuss these patterns, and this whole idea of using patterns.

The pattern names are:

Stable Teams


Yesterday’s Weather

Definition of Done

Swarming: Singe piece continuous flow


Illegitimus Non Interruptus

Good Housekeeping.

Emergency Procedure

Scrumming the Scrum



Finally: If you have suggestions for topics for these webinars (really anything related to agile), please send them to me.  A topic might be a question, issue or concern, from someone in the Team, from Customers, or from other people outside the Team.
Here: jhlittle@leanagiletraining.com

Thank you!

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