One reason for “Business Value Engineering” – 2nd pass

Let’s say some smart people have given you some great ideas about “business value engineering.” Let’s say those ideas include: More customer demos Having the implementers visit the customers as they “do work” or “live” (depending on your product) A better BV Model Don’t talk to customers (they don’t know they want an iPad) Taking […]

One reason for “Business Value Engineering”

I said recently that business value engineering is the place we can improve the most. By this I mean: (a) identifying the small features that the customer will want the most (once they get them), and (b) identifying the MMFS (minimum marketable feature set). Perhaps we should also add: (c) identifying a “business model” that […]

Scrum Team in Waterfall Land! What to do?

The real question sent to me was: What are some tips for integrating our SCRUM model with non-Scrum groups who will not be adopting the process? One can go many places with this question, and there could be other questions within this question. For now, let me answer two questions. 1. In general the culture […]

Getting Higher Velocity – Take 3

A recent conversation leads me to discuss some basic issues. Why do we care about velocity? To be honest, higher velocity is less important than higher business value. Higher velocity going the wrong direction does not help at all, and can hurts. We always need more clarity on: (a) what the customer will really want […]

Paying for Courses

As a reminder, we posted about the issues in Paying for Courses a while ago. We wanted to remind people of the problems that can arise, especially with paying with a credit card via the internet.  It can be a problem, and it can seem insurmountable at the time. But actually it is usually very […]

Intermediate Certified Product Owner course Charlotte Dec 7-9

We have a intermediate Certified Scrum Product Owner course. In Charlotte, Dec 7-9. Leader: Joe Little. Because he has an MBA, discusses BV Engineering, and has worked with Jeff Sutherland and the Poppendiecks and other great coaches, we think this course is very valuable. Potential Product Owners, business side people, business stakeholders, ScrumMasters, and managers […]

Scrum is a major management discovery

Steve Denning wrote an article titled “Scrum is a major management discovery.” A useful statement.  I recommend you read the article. It is clear and unfulfilled.  That is, we have by no means fulfilled all the promise implied by that statement.  Have many people forgotten that promise?  Or it is something we never think about?  […]


For reasons unknown, I ran into a picture I took of a statue of Jefferson in Paris (it is along the Seine, near the Musee d’Orsay). Then I saw something else which led me to this quote from Jefferson,  about the meaning of July 4th.  I think it has a broader meaning, so I quote […]


A friend was reading Daniel Pink’s book Drive. And so I started reading it. I had this series of thoughts. First, I have for a long time thought that the key thing about our jobs is creativity.  Takeuchi and Nonaka call it knowledge creation, but to me it remains essentially the same thing.  And it […]

Defining Business Value // #2 Customer Smile

Imagine that you make a new camera, and after all that work — does it make the customer smile? Imagine that it is not Scarlett Johansson. Just a girl or young woman. Or maybe any customer who buys your new camera. You don’t make any profit on that camera, just she smiles. How do we […]