Category Archives: agile
Scrum 201: Desire
Any sports coach knows the Team must have desire. In my classes I talk to people about how much improvement they expect to make in 1 year, with 1 team. Often their expectation is in the 20% range. I use Henry Ford’s famous quote: “Whether you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.” So, […]
Blue Pill and Red Pill
During a course in Romania, a participant asked me: “don’t you think you are setting false expectations? Scrum may help, but it will not help that much. This sets false expectations and disappoints people.” Good comments. Good concerns. I don’t agree that we are setting false expectations; although I think some issues must be addressed. […]
Radical Management
Steve Denning has written a great agile book for managers, called The Leader’s Guide to Radical Management. Here are the five principles: A shift in the goal of making money for shareholders to delighting customers through continuous innovation. A shift in the role of managers from controlling individuals to enabling self-organizing teams. A shift in […]
2012 Agile Dev Survey
Once again, agile and scrum are making more progress in the real world. Is the world all rosy now? Well, that depends. Compared to last year, in terms of Agile, I think things are better. Compared to where we could be, we have a long way to go. People still like central planning too […]
The ScrumButt Test
Bas Voode designed a test with 7 or 8 items. Jeff Sutherland and others liked it. Jeff modified it some. Eventually it became known as the ScrumButt Test. Bas developed the test originally to check whether a team was still really using Scrum or reverting back to waterfall. Or, reverting to what I call Cowboy […]
Kanban Ideas
We have been talking about Kanban a bit lately in other venues. Let’s talk about some key Kanban ideas in Scrum. 1. Do the most important thing first. In Scrum, we want the Product Owner to order the work (the PBIs or User Stories) mainly by Business Value. (Yes, I talk about ‘ordered’, but this […]
Video Resources
Just added new videos to the Resources section of the website. Enjoy. Most are fun. Here.
Agile – Penny Game Rules
As attendees of my courses know, I like to use the Penny Game. So, I wanted to share more. Rules: 1. Say: “We are about to see who is the best penny processor in all of [city] today. And the winner, with the best single round, will win $20.” 2. Select 4 players (these will […]
Scrum vs Waterfall : How do they Compare?
Scrum vs Waterfall I have recently been asked for advice on how to compare Waterfall (WF) and Scrum VS Waterfall. This is a hard question in some ways: the best way to compare will depend on the person you are talking to. Another problem is that few people do ‘pure’ waterfall in actual practice. And […]
Developer Abuse
Here is another video that talks about why we do Agile. This one and the one called “Being Agile is our favorite thing” were the top two vote-getters (from a perhaps somewhat-biased, large audience) at the Agile 2007 conference. It’s a bit serious, I think. Perhaps a bit overdrawn, but I do think developers have […]