
What does a PO do?

We say a Product Owner (PO) can have a tremendous impact on the success of a team, of the team’s work. Say, by doubling the BV within 6 months. With the recession, we could use that about now. Sounds nice. How is the PO gonna do that? Well, this is a constant effort and it […]

Certified Scrum Product Owner course Apr 27-28

For the team’s work, a good Product Owner is very important. A decent PO should be able to double the value delivered by the team, just by their own efforts, in 6 months. (This assumes a normal team, as I see them.) This can make the lives of many real people better: customers, the team, […]

If you wait for perfection….

If you wait for perfection, you might wait too long. There are some similar quotes, but so far as I know, this quote is mine. As the father, I kind of like it. But most parents love their own children. (If I am not the father, tell me now.) This applies to all of life. […]

A re-write….

I have taken an article out of context and re-written it below. Here is the original. See how you like the re-write: If social psychologists have proven anything during the last 30 years, they have proven that the actions we take leave a residue inside of us. Every time we act, we amplify the underlying […]

Changing people (that would include you)

I am involved with Scrum as a coach and trainer, and occasionally, I get the question, “I would really, really like to do Scrum (better), but I need to change X, Y and Z.” And X, Y and Z are people, or groups of people, at that person’s organization. And, just to remind us of […]

Additional Value from the Scrum course

In the prior post, I spoke of a simple way of measuring the value of a Scrum course, and the real subtext was: You must measure velocity (productivity) and you must increase velocity dramatically. (And, oh, by the way, a course might help you do that.) But aside from velocity, does the CSM course provide […]

Value from the Scrum Course

I wanted to reiterate views I think I have expressed elsewhere. My best guess is that a typical development team in North America of seven or eight, including the Product Owner and the ScrumMaster, costs about $1 million per year, including all related costs. (In my opinion, every team should know their total annual cost.) […]

Business Value Communication

In March I did a short workshop on business value engineering at the ScrumGathering in Orlando. Very interesting to me, although it was mainly about the work that the attendees did. As I commented to them, it certainly was not about what I said. It was not even about what they learned in the session. […]

Business Value Engineering Workshop

At the Orlando ScrumGathering, I will do a mini workshop on Business Value engineering. Click here to view my slides. Most of the slide deck is for reference; only a few of the slides will be used in the workshop. The mini workshop is about two exercises: Define at your table “Business Value.” Articulate your […]

CSM course + Workshop in Ottawa March 1-4

Joe Little will be leading a Certified ScrumMaster course (2 days), followed by an optional workshop (2 days). In Ottawa, Mar 1-4. Here are the details: The workshop is good for any team that needs a boost. Either at the beginning, or in the middle. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have […]