
Leading Lean Software Development Chi Feb 10-11

Also wanted to make a quick post about this course. Mary & Tom Poppendieck recently completed their new book (of basically the same title). They will be leading this course in Chicago on February 10-11. They gave essentially the same course in Chicago last year just after Agile2009. Everyone was happy with it. The lean […]

Certified ScrumMaster course in Ottawa Feb 3-4

Just a quick post to mention this course. We were up in Ottawa recently and enjoyed it. (Although cold to a guy from NC.) This should be a good course, and hope you can attend. For details, see here:  Subscribe in a reader

Paying for courses

Apparently paying is a complex subject. This post is mainly for those who wish to pay for our LeanAgileTraining courses, but others are welcome to read it. First, there are many ways to pay: check, cash, wire transfer, credit card, barter, etc. If you have a question about this, contact Cassandra Wagner. Second, the “easy” […]

Free Speech

One of the great themes of Agile is freedom. There is no doubt that some take freedom in the wrong way, and what they get is more like anarchy, which is not freedom. But, from what I see, most people don’t really understand freedom. Based on actions, they seem to think it means, “I am […]

Greater Joy

One of the famous phrases from this season (in the Christian part of the world) is this: “Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people.” A slightly similar agile saying is this: “If you are not having more fun, you are not doing it right.” This is very […]

Spontaneous Order

I will not remember this well (knowledge decay), but there is a great quote from Fujio Cho (now Chairman of Toyota) at the beginning of Liker’s The Toyota Way. Something like: “There are many things you do not understand, and therefore we ask, ‘Why don’t you just go ahead and take action? Try to do […]

Scrum Success Story

We hear a lot about all the problems of life. People are bad. Things fall apart. The center cannot hold. (Help me W. B. Yeats, you’re my only hope.) Today I would like to share an unsolicited note: Jeff Sutherland and I are doing a CSM class next week (Dec. 15 through Dec. 16) in […]

The best work?

I just received an email in which the writer said their group does not have a real project-type project. This got me thinking. Key idea: How do we know our Agile teams are getting the most important stuff to work on? It seems to me we have the theory that, magically, “the users” will always […]

Scrum Tools

Revised slightly: 6/19/2021 A course attendee asked about Scrum tools. First, in the Agile manifesto it says, “Individuals and Interactions over Processes and Tools.” Naturally, being geeks, the first thing we want to talk about in or after the course is [drumroll…] tools. We have to have a sense of humor about this. First, I […]

Getting Senior Buy-in

Questioner: How do I sell my executive team on doing this stuff? Jim Highsmith: Don’t. Just do it. They don’t know what you’re doing anyway. (This quote is also taken from “Fearless Change” by Rising and Manns. A great book, recommended. See Chapter 6.) I saw this Highsmith quote as a tagline on a Ron […]