
The hardest thing about Scrum?

To hold as ’twere the mirror up to nature: to show virtue her feature, scorn her own image, and the very age and body of the time his form and pressure. What is best thing about Scrum? Wow. There are so many good things, hard to choose the best. We get to be ourselves (less […]

What does a PO do?

We say a Product Owner (PO) can have a tremendous impact on the success of a team, of the team’s work. Say, by doubling the BV within 6 months. With the recession, we could use that about now. Sounds nice. How is the PO gonna do that? Well, this is a constant effort and it […]

Certified Scrum Product Owner course Apr 27-28

For the team’s work, a good Product Owner is very important. A decent PO should be able to double the value delivered by the team, just by their own efforts, in 6 months. (This assumes a normal team, as I see them.) This can make the lives of many real people better: customers, the team, […]

If you wait for perfection….

If you wait for perfection, you might wait too long. There are some similar quotes, but so far as I know, this quote is mine. As the father, I kind of like it. But most parents love their own children. (If I am not the father, tell me now.) This applies to all of life. […]

A re-write….

I have taken an article out of context and re-written it below. Here is the original. See how you like the re-write: If social psychologists have proven anything during the last 30 years, they have proven that the actions we take leave a residue inside of us. Every time we act, we amplify the underlying […]

Changing people (that would include you)

I am involved with Scrum as a coach and trainer, and occasionally, I get the question, “I would really, really like to do Scrum (better), but I need to change X, Y and Z.” And X, Y and Z are people, or groups of people, at that person’s organization. And, just to remind us of […]

Additional Value from the Scrum course

In the prior post, I spoke of a simple way of measuring the value of a Scrum course, and the real subtext was: You must measure velocity (productivity) and you must increase velocity dramatically. (And, oh, by the way, a course might help you do that.) But aside from velocity, does the CSM course provide […]

Value from the Scrum Course

I wanted to reiterate views I think I have expressed elsewhere. My best guess is that a typical development team in North America of seven or eight, including the Product Owner and the ScrumMaster, costs about $1 million per year, including all related costs. (In my opinion, every team should know their total annual cost.) […]

Business Value Communication

In March I did a short workshop on business value engineering at the ScrumGathering in Orlando. Very interesting to me, although it was mainly about the work that the attendees did. As I commented to them, it certainly was not about what I said. It was not even about what they learned in the session. […]

Business Value Engineering Workshop

At the Orlando ScrumGathering, I will do a mini workshop on Business Value engineering. Click here to view my slides. Most of the slide deck is for reference; only a few of the slides will be used in the workshop. The mini workshop is about two exercises: Define at your table “Business Value.” Articulate your […]