The Spotify Model

Quick Intro

As some of you know, Henrik Kniberg in (I think) about 2014 “wrote down” the then-existing “Spotify Model”.  How they worked then.

It dealt with Scaling, but also with how a Team was organized.  And a bunch of other things.

First, the way (the model) that Spotify was working then was in continuous evolution.  (Still is evolving, I’d guess.)  So, first thing, what Henrik wrote down (drew pictures of, etc) was quickly out-of-date.

Prior Blog Post

I tried to document all the blog posts and related material back in 2016.  See this blog post from me:

Spotify Scaling Model

New Material

People have a lot of interest in this topic, so Henrik Kniberg has discussed it more.

Here’s a long video (1.5 hrs) on a blog post.  Blog Post is Feb 2023.  Crisp is the consulting company that Henrik co-founded.

Summary of Henrik Kniberg’s session, about his thoughts On The Spotify Model, in the Leading Complexity program 2022

If you click on the image, you will go to the blog post page, where I think an editor shows some of the Miro “slides” that Henrik talks to.

And you see the YouTube video of (mostly) Henrik describing the Spotify Model in a “master class”.  The Henrik talk starts about 9 mins in, so you might want to pass over the intro stuff before that 9 minute mark.


Here’s an additional blog post and talk, with slides.

Here’s the link:

Scaling Agile @ LEGO and Spotify – my talk at EA träff




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