Category Archives: Better Agile

Impediment List

I just got my copy of A Scrum Book – The Spirit of the Game.  By Sutherland, Coplien et al.  Awesome book. Recommended. See: One of my favorites is Pattern #40. Impediment List. You must read their pages about this pattern for yourself. But let me add a few things. Metaphorically, I view this […]

Renewing Your Certification – How we can help.

We have a earlier post that surveys the Scrum Alliance information on renewal.  Here. Below are our thoughts and what LeanAgileTraining can do to help you with this. 1. Our Reaction to the Scrum Alliance Rules We have noticed that human knowledge fades. To maintain one’s knowledge and ability requires attention, or more work and […]

Let’s consider Aggressive Scrum

Can we imagine a world where things are notably better for the team and its customers? To me, aggressive Scrum would be a key part of that world. Here are some of the characteristics of aggressive Scrum: the team is playing Scrum like they mean it, together you have a great team who has been […]

Scrum is an Aggressive Game

It seems that people forget that Scrum is meant to be an aggressive game. It does not assume a world where everyone goes home smiling with a participation trophy.  It is not a game for little children. It is a game for serious (albeit usually smiling) adults. At the same time, we are meant NOT […]

Question: Path to — Trainer or Coach?

Question from Nameless4Now: (By the way, I called her that, because I did not have time to ask her about privacy.) Hi Joe! …I thought I’d ask you for your thoughts on the next step on my Agile path. I’m currently a Scrum Master. Ultimately I’d love to pursue the Trainer path and train other […]

Renewing your certification / Information from Scrum Alliance

1. Basic Scrum Alliance approach Scrum Alliance has come up with some practical things.  They are attempts to deal with different issues. Valid Certification Scrum Alliance wants everyone to have an up-to-date, valid certification. Per Scrum Alliance rules, your certification expires after two years.  (The expiration date is shown on your Scrum Alliance profile.) Get […]

Question: A technical challenge arises inside the Sprint

Hanna wrote again from Finland. [Shortened and lightly edited.] Hi Joseph, First, thanks for your [last reply]. I hope you will accept my next request, to answer this next question. Thanks! Hanna I replied. Hi Hanna, See my comments below, in-line. Hope that helps. Regards! Joe PS. Was that a PO question?  Or a SM […]

Question about: The PO, vague requirements and the Team members

Hana writes from Finland.  [Shortened, and lightly edited.] Hi Joe, …. I found this question without answer, so I have an interest to know it’s answer. Regards, Hana I responded: Hi Hanna, ….[See my response in-line, below.] …. Thanks! Joe Question – The product owner wants to build security firewalls into the product. How can […]

Agile Transformation: 4 Suggestions and Discussion

Last night I was at Agile Midlands in Columbia.  We had a good group of Agilists and discussed Agile Transformation. Here is the slide deck that I used to discuss a few suggestions.  You might enjoy it. Agile Transformation 4+Talk V3

Blog Posts About Scaling – 3 of 3

Here is the last of 3 listings of our blog posts regarding Scaling.  3 of 3. Scaling: How about the “Don’t do it!” option?   Scaling Workshop Montreal Spotify Scaling Model The Scaling Dilemma Scaling Whitepaper   7 Actionable Ideas Now   Scrum at Scale – 4 parts