Ideas Behind Agile Planning: Planning, Not the Plan

There are people in Agile that call themselves the “no-estimates” group. They hate “planning” that used to crush people. And, at least, this is how planning is perceived sometimes. But they overreact. Yes, they are right that planning should never be used to put people under a lot of pressure—certainly not to crush people—but life always includes […]

Announcements – August 2020

Here are several announcements, briefly listed: Online Courses/Workshops We are doing all courses in an online (virtual or remote) format for now.  We do not know how long this will last.  For now, we have changed all the courses in September to “online”.  Frankly, I am slightly hopeful that we might be doing in-person again […]

Webinar: Aggressively Attacking Impediments & Using Business Value Points

This is the next in a series of webinars on topics of interest to you. WHEN: August 13, 2020 from 2-3 p.m. PRICE: The cost is $5 to join the conversation—a nominal charge. Your Questions The purpose of these webinars is to help you. Please tell me if you have a topic of special interest. […]

Team Level Up Workshop

Next week I am doing an Team Level Up workshop. I’m excited. The point of the workshop is two-fold: (a) Level set. This is to level set amongst the whole team. Get the all on the same page about agile-scrum. It is common that your Team now has experienced and inexperienced people. People who were […]

Next Agile Carolinas Meeting – July 30 – Your Agile Career

Topic: Your Agile Career event. This theme is NOT just for beginners.  This is for all stages of your career.  But perhaps not for those already CEO of IBM.  We partly assume that most people are interested to share about their current stage, and many will want to know about “the next stage”.  (Some will […]

LAT Webinar – Your questions

Every month we will do a short 1-hour webinar about questions or issues of concern to you.  (You are welcome to propose topics.) On July 24, we will discuss two topics in that 1 hour: 1. What is Agile Release Planning? I will share my thoughts, somewhat different than the workshop. For examples, what is […]

Renewing your certification – One way

1. Introduction Here is the simplest way to renew your Scrum Alliance certification. I think. This follows Scrum Alliance rules.  But if you are in doubt, send an email to  They are the final authority. 2. Situation a. You have one or more Scrum Alliance certifications. b. AND, you got at least one of […]

Renewing your certification / Furthering your education

I am re-posting this, as I have new information. 1. Introduction You may want to skip to sections 4 and 5 below. 2. Why is this important? Learning so that you can act better or more effectively is good. Acting better or more effectively is definitely good! First, can knowledge decay?  Yes. Is it possible […]

Scrum and Leadership

Many of the readers know Scrum. Scrum is a bare framework, but it does talk a bit about leadership. Some examples regarding leadership: 1. The Product Owner (PO) is the final prioritizer of the Product Backlog By this I mean that anyone (Team member or business stakeholder or customer, etc) can have an opinion, and […]

Working Remotely – Essay 1

Everyone is talking about this topic. I will too now.  My focus is somewhat different.  I have two aims, mostly. 1. Help you (me) become better doing to get work done well. 2. Help the Team work remotely, together. *** What is our goal? I think our goal or ambition is to be able to […]