The Crisis and Agile:  What is it? — What do we do?

This is a talk or group discussion I want to have soon.  See what you think. My goals are two: To help in general, and to help get us all get back to work, which I think is very valuable about now.  (Reasonably safely, of course.)  But we have several impediments. You see above the […]

Laws of physics – Stephen Hawking

“No matter how many times the result of experiments agree with the theory, you can never be sure that the next time the result will not contradict the theory.” This was posted on LinkedIn as a quote from Stephen Hawking. I have not confirmed that.  I have guessed that Hawking said that about the “laws” […]

Scrum Resources I recommend.

There are many Scrum and Agile resources.  What do you need now? I have written one, which is called “A Scrum Introduction”.  Look under “resources” on Here’s one, also listed under Resources, that I strongly recommend today.  Scrum at its core is a collection of Patterns.  So, it is in that way part of […]

Managers and Team Members: Transparency Needed NOW

With the current state of the Coronavirus and responses to it, most knowledge workers are WFH. Prior to this, many managers could see most of the state of things just by walking around the office and talking to people.  Information and status were fairly visible. (Yes, Agile/Scrum could make things even more visible, but even […]

Wooden’s Pyramid of Success

Mike Cohn has a wonderful weekly newsletter with advice.  Strong urge you subscribe.  See: (under the “More” option). Mike was talking about John Wooden and his UCLA basketball teams.  (And I miss March Madness this year!!) Mike also mentioned Wooden’s fairly famous (to us who know his) Pyramid of Success. Here:     […]

Announcement: Scrum Alliance allows Online Courses

Scrum Alliance announced that it will allow, for some period of time, for virtual / online courses.  This is due to the Coronavirus. We have our first virtual course next week, that is March 17-19. And the second course on March 24-26. Our expectation is to do every course for the next two months as […]

How to get a Full-Time SM?

Most ScrumMasters should be full-time!  (Well, ok, if you are already hyper-productive (5x-10x) AND you can stay that high with a 50% SM, god bless you, then do that!  Otherwise, it pays to have a full-time SM helping the Team get better — if you actually get better, and you can.) Below is the slide […]


Do people have the right to be themselves? Do people have the right to tell the truth? Can people be themselves? Can we trust the Team to get the job done? *** Some people seem to believe that they give up their freedom as soon as they walk in the door of the company. Perhaps […]

Information for the Survey (Feb 2020)

New Courses: Scrum Alliance has announced the Adv CSM course.  We offer the Adv CSM now, and others later.  See: New Workshops: We have several new workshops, especially the Team Level-Up workshop! As a quick summary of our courses and workshops (we can send you more easily), see here: You may need to […]

Course Information for SurveyMonkey (Feb 2020)

Intro This is background information for the public survey. You can take our survey here (Survey Monkey). The key purpose of the survey is to serve you better. The needs of the larger group of our contacts are diverse. Some want courses, some need workshops. Some people are looking as individuals, and some are looking […]